Influence of Colors

Influence of Colors

Influence of Colors

Colors have a big influence on our well being. Many times more than we know, more than we expect.
We absorb colors with our eyes into our brain cells, but we also sense the color-specific vibrations (energy)directly into our chakra’s and own body energy.
Colortherapy or Chromotherapy  is an ancient therapy. Already around 1.000 BC Avicenna wrote 450 articles on many subjects, 150 of his surviving treatises concentrate on philosophy and 40 of them concentrate on medicine. He was a father in modern medicine and a pioneer in aromatherapy. He also was a poet, philosopher, with great knowledge of medicine, physics and science. He discussed chromotherapy in his book; ‘The Canon of Medicine’ and believed; ”red moved the blood, blue or white cooled it, and yellow reduced muscular pain and inflammation.”

Nowadays scientist still try to find the explanation why different colors of light have effects on growth of plants. And because this growth effect is measurable, scientist must believe what they see. So the next easy question is; how does men react on different colors of light?
I would like to go one step further. If men react on different colors of light…we must also react on the colors around us, on our walls, in our clothes.
Mama knows she feels more happy in bright colors, and a bit down in grey, black and brown. We all love yellow light (sunshine!), we all love the vibrant colors of flowers.
Jessica Colaluca , creator of the website, has made such a beautiful attempt to bring color into our world. She uses the colors of nature, and again nature is amazing. Color-combinations we are unable to think of, are already there, right in front of us. Jessica shows us with beautiful color pallets how we can combine these colors and use them in our lives.
A few examples:

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Shell tones

Shell tones

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Lovebird Hues

Lovebird Hues

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Setting Warmth

Setting Warmth

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Please take some time to visit her website, it is amazing!
Another friend of Mama Buddha is an Image & Styling consultant. Chantal is coaching men and women to look their best in colors that not only match, but also enhance your skin tone and hair color. If the colors of your hair, glasses, make-up and clothes are perfectly aligned, you will look so much better. You will shine. And isn’t that what we all want, look good, feel good, shine! Next post more about the influence of colors in our clothes.